
Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game

Created by Arc Dream Publishing

Lovecraftian cosmic terror meets the War on Terror. The award-winning RPG setting comes thundering back in a new Cthulhu Mythos game.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Enter the Labyrinth with John Scott Tynes
over 6 years ago – Mon, Jul 09, 2018 at 11:38:37 PM

Delta Green co-creator John Scott Tynes returns with new threats, allies and mysteries to deepen the terrors of your campaign. It's time to enter the Labyrinth.

Delta Green: The Labyrinth is on Kickstarter until July 31.

Delta Green: The Labyrinth takes Delta Green agents beyond the beltway and deep into the fissures of America in the new millennium. From Silicon Valley startups to industrialist Super-PACs, from Oregon anarchist collectives to alt-right activists, from the depths of Reddit to this morning's livestreams, American life has entered a labyrinth of twisty passages all alike. And while there are many ways in, there is no way out.

Written by Delta Green co-creator John Scott Tynes, this all-new collection of organizations presents ready-made sources of allies, enemies, mysteries, and surprises for your Delta Green campaign. Each group has its own story arc, progressing through three stages as it encounters Delta Green agents and the evils they fight. Some groups corrode, wither, and die. Others gain hideous strength and uncover profound new horrors. Each has connections to other groups, ensuring that players find fresh hells at every turn. But all are destined to change — and the journey each one takes holds up a mirror to the agents themselves.

Because things fall apart. The center cannot hold. And once you enter the Labyrinth, you will never escape.

Learn more at the link.

Join us in the Labyrinth
Join us in the Labyrinth

Next week, John Scott Tynes leads us into The Labyrinth
over 6 years ago – Thu, Jul 05, 2018 at 12:10:05 AM

John Scott Tynes returns to Delta Green

Pagan Publishing founder and Delta Green co-creator John Scott Tynes is returning to the world of Delta Green with an all-new sourcebook for Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game.

In an encrypted message left in an unlisted voicemail drop, John told us: “After completing the new edition of Puppetland for Arc Dream last year and contributing to the new edition of Unknown Armies for Atlas Games, I found myself haunted by strange dreams of an America plagued by discord, ruled by monsters, and slouching towards one of several moral or literal apocalypses. Fortunately, none of that is happening in the real world, so this seemed like the perfect time to explore these completely fictional ideas in the world of Delta Green.”

We're very excited to have John back in the world he was so fundamental in shaping. His first book will be Delta Green: The Labyrinth.

Will any of us emerge?
Will any of us emerge?

The Labyrinth takes Delta Green agents beyond the beltway and deep into the fissures of America in the new millennium. From Silicon Valley startups to industrialist Super-PACs, from Oregon anarchist collectives to alt-right activists, from the depths of Reddit to today’s livestreams, American life has entered a labyrinth of twisty passages all alike. And just like a circle, one measures a labyrinth beginning anywhere.

This all-new collection of organizations presents ready-made sources of allies, enemies, mysteries, and surprises for your Delta Green campaign. Each group has its own story arc, progressing through three stages as it encounters Delta Green agents and the evils they fight. Some groups corrode, wither, and die. Others gain hideous strength and uncover profound new horrors. Each has connections to other groups, ensuring that players find fresh hells at every turn. But all are destined to change—and the journey each one takes holds up a mirror to the agents themselves.

Because things fall apart. The center cannot hold. And once you enter the Labyrinth, you will never escape.

Back The Labyrinth on Kickstarter beginning July 9, 2018.

The monolith, the Labyrinth, the Bundle, and the Fall
over 6 years ago – Tue, Jul 03, 2018 at 12:44:50 AM

Now shipping to backers and pre-orders
Now shipping to backers and pre-orders

We are thrilled to report that most backers have received Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game in a slipcase set containing the Agent's Handbook and the Handler's Guide. We put a staggering amount of work into this project over the last few years and we are immensely proud of the result. We hope you love it.

If you have not gotten the slipcase, please log in to your BackerKit account and review your rewards and your delivery address. If your rewards include the "Case Officer's Handbook" in hardback, then you should receive the slipcase set. Please email your details to so we can sort it out.

An Extra Agent's Handbook?

If the Agent's Handbook that comes with your slipcase set marks the second Agent's Handbook you have received, that is probably not an error. Many backers ordered both the Agent's Handbook and the "Case Officer's Handbook," which was to include the Agent's Handbook's chapters, and which evolved into the slipcase set. Those backers got the Agent's Handbook by itself in 2016, and the slipcase set now.

Damage in Delivery?

If your slipcase or books suffered damage before it reached you, please email photos of the damage and your delivery details to We will replace the damaged case or books.

Free Fall by Moonlight

Most backers also have received the hardback edition of The Fall of Delta Green. If you expected the hardback and have not received it, please log in to your BackerKit account and review your rewards and your delivery address. Please email your details to so we can sort it out.

A double adventure including one for The Fall of Delta Green
A double adventure including one for The Fall of Delta Green

Our friends at Pelgrane Press also published the Fall of Delta Green scenario "On a Bank, by Moonlight" for Free RPG Day 2018. They have generously offered to share its PDF with all our backers who received The Fall of Delta Green. Log in to BackerKit and look for instructions and a download code in your Digital Downloads. 

The Bundle

Do you have friends who want Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game in PDF? Point them to the Bundle of Holding either today or tomorrow. Until 10pm Eastern time, Tuesday, 3 JUL 2018, a gamer can this award-winning game, with eight scenarios and two fiction books, for less than $30. Even better, every sale benefits Human Rights Watch. Grab it now.

Now recruiting new agents and friendlies
Now recruiting new agents and friendlies

The Labyrinth

Watch the skies -- or at least your Kickstarter updates -- tomorrow for our newest project. This big, hardback sourcebook for Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game brings a very welcome name back into the fold.

A new KS project coming very, very soon
A new KS project coming very, very soon

Delta Green, rising and falling
over 6 years ago – Tue, May 15, 2018 at 01:52:05 AM

Oceanic shipping containers have held far worse than Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game.
Oceanic shipping containers have held far worse than Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game.

The Handler's Guide and the slipcase set of Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game have arrived. They will reach our warehouses in a week or two and begin shipping to backers worldwide.

You can review your rewards in BackerKit. If your rewards include the "Case Officer's Handbook" in hardback, you will get a slipcase set including both the Agent's Handbook and the Handler's Guide. 

A number of people have asked about buying just the slipcase, because they ordered the Agent's Handbook and the Handler's Guide separately. We will offer a limited number of the slipcases by themselves in June, after all the slipcase sets have been delivered to backers.

The Fall of Delta Green

The hardback edition of Pelgrane Press' The Fall of Delta Green begins shipping to backers this week. Ken Hite and company did a great job adapting our work to Gumshoe and the Sixties. We can't wait to see it in print.

A Night at the Opera

The hardback compilation A Night at the Opera is at press now. It is due in our warehouses in mid-July.

Dead Letter

The entire run of our online playtest of the scenario "Dead Letter" is now online. We played "Dead Letter" with author Adam Scott Glancy in late 1997 in AOL chatrooms. We have scraped together the complete transcripts. For a look at how Scott envisioned that scenario and ran Delta Green from the beginning, it does not get deeper than this.

The King in Yellow

Pre-orders continue on our deluxe edition of Robert W. Chambers' The King in Yellow. This edition features illustrations by Samuel Araya, detailed annotations by Kenneth Hite, and an introduction by John Scott Tynes. Don't miss Sam's fascinating accounts of his process for illustrating these classic tales. His first report is available now. Another will come this week.

"I was turning to go into the dining-room when my eye fell upon a book bound in serpent skin, standing in a corner of the top shelf of the last bookcase."
"I was turning to go into the dining-room when my eye fell upon a book bound in serpent skin, standing in a corner of the top shelf of the last bookcase."

Gen Con

As predicted, all of our Gen Con 2018 games are sold out — even the massive, 50-player LARP, "Redefining Pi," which will sprawl throughout Saturday afternoon! If you're going to Gen Con and have not yet signed up to run games, get in touch. If you run three games for us, we will reimburse the cost of your badge. And you can tell how popular Delta Green is, so you can count on a full table of gamers having fun.

And if you could not get a ticket to join the LARP as a player but would like to be involved, its organizers want all the volunteers they can get to help make it better. 

Either way, email!

Origins Nods

Shane Ivey here, by the way. Dennis Detwiller and I are immensely proud to hear that a number of books that we worked on are up for Origins Awards this year: Arc Dream's own Puppetland (by Delta Green co-creator John Scott Tynes), Cubicle 7's Adventures in Middle-Earth (to which I contributed), and Monte Cook Games' Cypher System books Predation and Expanded Worlds (which Dennis helped create). Those works join a fantastic slate of nominees from across the tabletop industry. Congratulations to all the nominees.

Be seeing you.

"The Fall" and "Future/Perfect"
over 6 years ago – Fri, Apr 20, 2018 at 09:32:28 PM

The Fall of Delta Green is at the printer. Pelgrane Press, its publisher, will deliver it to our Kickstarter backers before anyone else. We will send backer addresses to them next week. If you have the hardback edition of The Fall of Delta Green as a reward, please go to BackerKit and confirm your mailing address

Future/Perfect 2

Delta Green: Future/Perfect Part 2 is now available, updated for Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game and comprehensively edited and reorganized. If your Kickstarter rewards included some variation of "all the PDFs funded by this project," you should have a download code for it in your Digital Downloads in BackerKit. 

The King in Yellow

After only two days, our deluxe edition of The King In Yellow is already more than a third of the way toward its funding target. Annotated by Kenneth Hite, illustrated in charcoal and full color by Samuel Araya, designed by Simeon Cogswell, and with a foreword by John Scott Tynes, this will be a beautiful presentation of one of our favorite books. Pre-order now.

"Where Black Stars Rise," by Samuel Araya
"Where Black Stars Rise," by Samuel Araya